Introducing the Hardiness Resilience GaugeTM (HRGTM)
The Hardiness Resilience GaugeTM (HRGTM) measures how effectively a person can cope with stress. The assessment provides a Total Hardiness score in addition to scores measuring three qualities that are instrumental for predicting how resilient an individual will be. These three qualities are referred to as Challenge, Control, and Commitment and are defined below:
Seeing change and new experiences as exciting opportunities to learn and develop.
Belief in one’s ability to control or influence events and outcomes.
Tendency to see the world and day-to-day activities as interesting, meaningful, and having purpose.
Not only do hardy leaders exhibit superior leadership qualities, they can also influence the hardiness of the people they are leading. When leaders gain insight into their own hardiness they better understand how to respond to stressful and changing team dynamics. This allows leaders the opportunity to be the person that others model their behaviour after and establish within their teams how stressful situations are dealt with and understood.
Teams that consist of members who are higher in hardiness are more cohesive and better able to work through obstacles. The HRG can be used to identify hardy team members whose qualities could be leveraged in an adaptive way to help facilitate hardiness in other team members.
The HRG can be used by employers (e.g., HR and OD consultants, psychologists, or HRG certified users) to provide valuable insight when looking for individuals who will excel and continue to perform when faced with the inevitable stress and changes that occur in all workplaces.
The HRG can be added to your current recruitment and selection process to make it more reliable and efficient. It can also be used in a developmental context. Hardiness is comprised of a coachable set of characteristics. The HRG enables qualified professionals to create tailor-made training programs to improve the hardiness and resiliency of employees, teams and the company as a whole. The HRG can also be used to evaluate performance and the well-being of employees, especially those employees who are in high-stress positions.