Screen for the best talent

with games

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Research showed adults spent an average of 3 hours, 35 minutes per day on mobile devices in 2018. Furthermore, we see more people being interested in using games on mobile devices, for screening applicants. Game-based assessments, in contrast to gamification, refers to the development of games for purposes other than entertainment. In the talent domain, games are typically developed to measure specific psychological qualities, such as cognitive ability, personality, values, or motivation, making them slot nicely into your talent pipeline.

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Enhance your company’s brand, so you can attract the best candidates.

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Increase candidates’ internal motivation to complete assessments.

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Allow you to collect more information on a person’s psychological qualities than what some self-report measures typically take into consideration.

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May reduce social desirability due to the hidden way in which psychological constructs are measured.

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May reduce assessment bias.

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Introducing Cognify and Emotify, by REVELIAN

JVR Psychometrics are proud to be an official distributor of the Cognify and the Emotify asessments. Both ability assessments merges game-design thinking, new technology and proven cognitive assessment methods to build a new generation of ability assessments.


Consists of six mini-games which provides a rich, immersive experience for candidates. Clean designs and flawless user experience combine to create games appropriate for any age, role and industry.

  • Measure cognitive ability.
  • Predict performance on the job.
  • Comprised of 6 mini games.
  • Candidates take roughly 30 minutes to complete all 6 games.


The two mini-assessments, Matching Faces and Emotional Ties, assess a candidate’s ability to accurately perceive emotions and effectively understand the connections between emotions, and situations that lead to specific emotional reactions.

  • Measure ability-based emotional intelligence.
  • Suitable for all roles.
  • Consists of two mini games.
  • Candidates take roughly 20 minutes to complete both games.
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