Introducing Targeted Prediction - a new and superior method of identifying candidates with high performance potential in a screening or selection process.
It's EASY!
With a click of a button you get a reliable shortlist of candidates based on mental ability and relevant personal characteristics. Targeted Prediction does the work of identifying critical traits for the role, as well as matching and ranking complex candidate profiles against these requirements.
It’s FAST!
Cut recruiting time by 50%. By applying Targeted Prediction as a first step in your selection process, you invest time and effort only in the most promising individuals. All that is left is to check base requirements.
Targeted Prediction offers the most powerful prediction of work performance by combining all individual aspects that have an impact on job success in a given role. The Targeted Prediction algorithms are based on extensive data accumulated by decades of research within each specific area of work.
✓ General job performance ✓ Leadership ✓ Service✓ Sales
- Save time on your recruitment by approximately 50%
- Make better selection decisions by using scientific ranking methods
- Find raw talent and have the confidence to hire them
- Attract talent with fair and transparent recruitment processes
What’s under the hood of the Targeted Prediction?
The Targeted Prediction combines GMA (Matrigma) and personality (MAP) and takes roughly 27 minutes to complete. Once completed, it provides a ranking of candidate profiles against identified job requirements.
MATRIGMA: Measures General Mental Ability (GMA) - The single most powerful predictor of work performance
REASONING ABILITY - Matrigma measures cognitive ability and is used to predict career success and job performance. Cognitive ability concerns, among other things, a person’s aptitude for accurate problem-solving, logical reasoning, and the ability to grasp new information – capabilities that are critical in the world of work.
FLUID INTELLIGENCE - Matrigma is a non-verbal reasoning test that captures fluid intelligence - the ability to solve problems with no prior knowledge or experience. Hence, Matrigma is the optimal instrument for identifying individual potential across cultures and regardless of social or educational background.
STRONG PREDICTOR OF JOB PERFORMANCE - The test results will help you predict behaviours such as critical reasoning skills, clear thinking, learning skills, and sound decision-making. Candidates with a high score on Matrigma tend to be rated as high performers at work. They are effective in dealing with complex job tasks, they require less attention from their supervisors, and they can handle a high pace of work.
MAP: Measures work-related personality traits - A comprehensive Five Factor Model (FFM) personality test
MEASURING PERSONALITY TRAITS - MAP, Measuring and Assessing individual Potential, is a personality test based on the Five Factor Model of personality, which is the most robust and empirically documented measurement model of personality. The test can be used for screening and selection to predict workplace behaviour, both at the managerial and the co-worker levels. Other areas of application include onboarding, leadership development as well as career counselling.
The Targeted Prediction algorithms are based on extensive data accumulated by decades of research within each specific area of work.
All candidates get an immediate on-screen report which saves the professional’s time to schedule feedback but, also increases candidate experience in your company’s recruitment process.
The professional can choose to either view the candidates on their ranking report or generate their individual GMA and personality results which provides an in-depth understanding of the candidate without additional charges.
Subscription model with an unlimited amount of administrations available.